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Journal Reading

하기 작성된 내용들은 가천대학교 의과대학 최윤형 교수님의 강의 자료와 내용을 정리한 것입니다.
무단 공유 및 배포를 금합니다.

Natural Progression of Epidemiology Study

  • Suspicion
  • Hypothesis formulation
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Determination of statistical relationship
  • Exclusion of alternative explanations
  • Determination of cause-and-effect relationship
Journalism Epidemiology
who person
what disease
where place
when time
how etiology


The empiric epidemiologic paper : 

  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion



  1. What is the scope of the problem?
  2. What do we know about the problem?
  3. What do we not know about the problem?
  4. What is the purpose of this paper?


  • Sample - Location, time, population, data collection, methods, IRB approval, study design
  • Variables - Discuss each variable used in analysis
    1. exposure
    2. health outcome
    3. confounding factors
    4. effect modification
  • Analysis - Step-by-step analysis


  • Table 1 shows...
  • Figure 1 shows...
  • Table 2 shows...

As you read papers...

  • What is the study population?
  • What is study design?
  • How was exposure assessed?
  • What statistical models yielded results reported in figures and tables?
  • How were confounding and effect modification assessed?


  1. Summary of study results (i.e., "This population-based study showed...")
  2. How this study builds on previous knowledge
    • "This study is consistent with previous work..."
    • "This study differs from previous work..."
    • "Explanations for these findings..."
  3. Limitations / Strength
  4. Conclusions / Implications
    • "Notwithstanding these limitations..."
    • "Implications of this work are..."

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